Halon Alternatives Research Corporation
HARC was formed in 1989 to promote the development and approval of environmentally acceptable halon alternatives. HARC serves as an information clearinghouse and a focal point for cooperation between government and industry on issues of importance to special hazard fire protection.

Recycling Code of Practice (RCOP)
HARC has developed a Recycling Code of Practice that is intended to provide basic guidelines for companies engaged in the recovery and recycling of halogenated clean agents. The code was also developed to provide assurance to the public that companies subscribing to the code are committed to recovering and recycling halogenated clean agents in a safe and environmentally sound manner that meets required quality standards. The code is endorsed by FEMA, FSSA and NAFED.
RCOP Certified Companies
The following companies are exhibiting a leadership role within our industry by adhering to the RCOP guidelines for recovery and recycling of halogenated clean agents.

HARC Programs
These programs reflect HARC's leadership role in promoting product stewardship and it's commitment to collecting and disseminating important information to the special hazard fire protection industry.
Code of Practice
The voluntary code of practice for the reduction of emissions of HFC and PFC fire protection agents (VCOP) is an important environmental initiative of the fire protection industry and the Environmental Protection Agency aimed at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases used as fire protection agents. For more information, please click here.

HFC Emissions Estimating Program (HEEP)
In conjunction with the VCOP, the fire protection industry has implemented a voluntary data collection effort called the HFC Emissions Estimating Program (HEEP). HEEP collects data on sales of extinguishing agents for recharge as a way to estimate annual emissions of HFCs and PFCs from the fire protection industry. You can find the up-to-date report here.
Focus on Climate Change
Key decisions related to the regulation of greenhouse gases are currently being made by local, national, and international governments. These policies could influence the cost and availability of hydrofluorocarbons (HFC's), leading agents for special hazard fire protection. More information can be found in the February 2017 HARC Newsletter.
Technical Information
Low Global Warming Potential Fire Suppressants: U.S. Army Presentation, October 2018
FAA Halon Replacement Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC): Final Report - December 2014